To Do Justice, and To Love Kindness

Social Justice

 He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?  – Micah 6:8

Justice work is an overarching mantra for The Park.  It permeates all aspects of the church’s work.  It is the lens through which decisions are made and ministries are developed and optimized.  Our work includes activism, advocacy, services and support, education and worship.

We lend our presence and our voices to the struggles of those who are oppressed and pushed to the margins, clergy and laity have participated in local and national demonstrations and direct actions, with love. The Park

  • Has rallied and petitioned for the closing of Rikers Island.
  • Adopted a resolution endorsing the concept of sanctuary churches, although we do not have the capacity to offer physical sanctuary.
  • Allocated portions of The Park’s weekly offerings to support non-profit organizations with whom our values are aligned.
  • Provides direct services through the free Saturday Community Lunch Program  in collaboration with Manhattan Church of Christ and Park Avenue United Methodist Church
  • Funded water wells in Haiti.
  • Provided domestic violence awareness through its social media outlets and coupled the awareness and prayer campaign with studying Biblical texts which focus on violence against women.
  • Sponsors a prison centered Clinical Pastoral Education courses and lay courses in prison ministry.

The Park’s covenant to serve the oppressed and those pushed to the margins is liturgically reflected in its calls to worship, responsive readings, music selections, prayers of the people, and litanies.

Interested in learning more about our social justice and outreach ministries, please email us at

Timeline – The Park’s 200+ Years of Social Justice